
Prayer of the Faithful

11. In Masses for the Dead

Priest’s Introduction

Let us in faith call upon God the almighty Father,
who raised Christ his Son from the dead,
as we pray for the salvation of the living and the dead.


1. That God may establish the Christian people
in faith and unity,
let us pray to the Lord.

2. That he may rescue the entire world
from all the evils of war,
let us pray to the Lord.

3. That he may be pleased to show himself a father
to our brothers and sisters
who lack work, food or housing,
let us pray to the Lord.

4a. That he may be pleased
to admit for ever to the company of the Saints
his deceased servant
who once through Baptism received the seed of
eternal life,
let us pray to the Lord.

4b. That on the last day he may raise up N.,
who fed on the Body of Christ,
the Bread of eternal life,
let us pray to the Lord.

(Or for a Priest):

That he may grant N. a share in the heavenly liturgy,
for he exercised the priestly office in the Church,
let us pray to the Lord.

4c. That he may grant to the souls
of our brothers and sisters, friends, and benefactors
the reward of their labors,
let us pray to the Lord.

4d. That he may welcome into the light of his face
all who have fallen asleep in the hope of the
let us pray to the Lord.

5. That he may graciously help and comfort
our brothers and sisters who are suffering affliction,
let us pray to the Lord.

6. That he may be pleased to gather into his glorious Kingdom
all who have gathered here in faith and devotion,
let us pray to the Lord.

Priest’s Prayer

May the prayer of those who cry to you
benefit the souls of your servants, O Lord:
free them, we pray, from all their sins
and make them sharers in your redemption.
Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

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