
Prayer of the Faithful

3. Advent

Priest’s Introduction

As we await with longing
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
dear brothers and sisters,
let us with renewed devotion beseech his mercy,
that, as he came into the world
to bring the good news to the poor
and heal the contrite of heart,
so in our own time, also,
he may bring salvation to all in need.


1a. That Christ may visit his holy Church
and keep watch over her always,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

1b. That Christ may fill the Pope,
our Bishop, and the whole Order of Bishops
with spiritual gifts and graces,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

2a. That under the protection of Christ
our times may be peaceful,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

2b. That Christ may guide the minds of those who govern us
to promote the common good according to his will,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

3a. That Christ may banish disease,
drive out hunger, and ward off every affliction,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

3b. That Christ in his mercy may free
all who suffer persecution,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

4a. That as witnesses to Christ’s love before all
we may abide in the truth,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

4b. That Christ may find us watching when he comes,
let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, have mercy. or Kyrie, eleison.

Priest’s Prayer

Almighty ever-living God,
who bring salvation to all
and desire that no one should perish,
hear the prayers of your people
and grant that the course of our world
may be directed by your peaceful rule
and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion.
Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

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